However, my IPPT is over and I'm still running. Not that I love running, but I would usually feel a bit of injustice done to my body if I don't work out at least once a week. Desk bounded for 5 weekdays, on the bed for 2 weekend days really makes feel like a physical retard sometimes.
This time, when I embark on another jogging session, I realise that's the time when I can throw my problems one side and only think about how to complete the distance without stopping. This kind of perserverance training has really helped me in my life, and I have come to believe I have indeed become stronger mentality because of this physical exercise.
There is never a chance you can let your problems stop you from the run. Imagine while you are running, and you are still thinking about your problem and you stop suddenly. It's hardly this way because your physical strain has taken the better of your ability to think of existing problems. Finishing the course will always be the greatest obstacle at that moment.
Before I go on and bore you guys off with how good is running, I would like to say for starters running really sucks. But when you have made it a routine, this switch off from the society, family or personal issues you have would really do you great.
Hopefully I can try half a marathon someday. It would be great.
Here is the route I usually take for my run. But nothing to boast about. 5km only. Wait till I find a longer and more interesting route, and test the reliability of my Mizuno shoes.