Came across this book by Trevor Greive in the library and borrowed it. Very meaningful to me, but it might not mean anything to others. There are some quotes which really brings me back to life, telling me that life is not just accepting everything that people around want you to do. People like us usually will oblige to help, but deep in our heart sometimes we do not understand the word "Obligation". This book tells us that "Saying no can sound selfish, but by protecting our time and energy to fully enjoy our lives and pursue our true passions, we'll ultimately have a lot more of ourselves to share with those who are most precious to us."
Enough of drinking red bulls just to slog through that damn project deadline?
Enough of trying to climb up the career ladder with so many competitors trying to put a knife on your back?
Enough of running errands/driving for your loved ones just to make their life easier?
Enough of trying to get into everyone's good books to be liked for who we truly are?
Do sometimes take a break and have a book. The bottom line is that people who do too much end up doing too little of what really matters. They spend their life buzzing from one tiring and trivial task to another, instead of living their dreams.
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