Not really into Chinese Horoscope usually, but I am quite anxious about my career aspects. All the forecast saying that there will be improvements in my career makes me wonder about the stunts I have done this year. Move or not to move? Also who is my 贵人? But it doesn't really matter. Decision making is always troublesome, so it's best to not look back on what I have done.
Oh.. valentine's day is near the corner, wish all happy couples enjoy their day and dun use up all their love for their loved ones just on that day. Hahaha... funny advice.
Things have happened to me for these few months. And I started to realise that I'm really like a motocross biker nowadays: anything can happen to me, just a slip or something and I might be down the cliff. But the nice thing about this trail is how I look at it. Right now I'm facing my wall with a poster of a motocross biker. Here is what it says,"ADVENTURE, once you are motivated by desire rather than fear, the trail is yours." Hmmm... how true...