Recently realised that I'm quite obssessed with jogging. Because I have even bought an expensive shoes to prepare for my dream of getting gold in IPPT. Hmm.. but sometimes I really find it difficult to achieve the 10 minutes mark for 2.4km. How to? Would appreciate if anyone can provide any method which will surely work. The monetary award of $400 is not really that enticing when one has to train so hard and run till he drops before he can reach the end by 10minutes. But what is motivating me is that I have never gotten gold once. And the fact that I'm 27 means that the possibility of getting gold is getting lesser year by year. Therefore will give myself 2 months to reach the target which looks so impossible.
Hmm.. long time never meet up with friends. Never play badminton for some time. Or even soccer(tried jioing a few times and and all fly aeroplane last min). And maybe go overseas soon would be great. Anyone joining me? Myanmar looks interesting. :@