Tag paintball is fun!~ I was trying very hard to convince myself it's worth it($60). But after playing it, I can say it's kinda memorable and shiok!~ (The pics will explain the shiok-ness)
Regretted not wearing my army uniform that day, as I never realised the shots can be so impactful, it hurt. Got one big scar on my neck now and I'm still wondering who was the champion who shot me.
There was around 16 of us on that day, so we formed into groups of 4. And guessed what, the more enthusiastic ones actually created banners for each group and the names for the teams are: Autobots, Decepticons, Power Rangers and The Incredibles. Guess who won in the end?
Getting ready for the challenge
Zongwei and I reached Orchid Country Club at Yishun awhile before the rest reached and once we signed our "death agreement", we were ready to start. There was a briefing given by the referee there and we learned about the rules of the games and the safety precautions when using the air paintball gun. Mind you, if you strike a fellow within 3 metres, the skin will tear!!~
Alas, the games started. Each team was supposed to shoot down 2 targets on the enemy side and then to grab a box back to the base. Wow, watching Zongwei grab the first box made me convinced he belongs to the infantry unit, and if Singapore has more of these 'garang' soldiers, think in the near future no one will attack us. (As if)
Bang bang bang!~ When you are in a real battlefield, realise that you do not have much time to think. Luckily, for this game, we could die several times, as long as we go to the medical base, touch it and come back, we would be alive again!~ I was a damn lousy shooter in the army, and I was confident I could make up for it in the games. But the trajectory of the paint balls ejected from the gun was kinda weird. At first, I was trying to really aim using the aiming point, but got tired of it. So from then, it was "rambo" all the way. Rambo means holding two rifles and shoot like machine guns. That's what I did, but only with one gun. Forget about the accuracy.
As the paintballs are quite limited, we had to save up some for the 2nd half. This was not easy as it was quite difficult to guage when you had all the paintballs already packed in the container, waiting to be released. And the paintballs proved to be quite tasty!~ I was shot on the mask once, and the paint went into the filter. The paint taste was a bit weird but a little sweet. Think it's better to taste it yourself because it's quite hard to describe. But don't worry, it's made of veggies!~
After the games, some of the bruises of my colleagues were quite serious. And the common point to be hit had to be the upper arm. Haha.. imagine being hit on the private parts. Wow, that would be hitting jackpot.
In the end, the power rangers and decepticons were joint winners. But nevermind that, it was truly fun. I would recommend this to any group of crazy guys who do not mind getting bruises all over just for a few hours of wargame. Can be a bit expensive, but good for a try though! :D