I'll talk about how forgetful I can get first. My friend reminded me the day before to remember to bring my number tag. But I didn't put it in my bag. Therefore when I was travelling on the mrt, I spotted someone with the tag on his shoes. Damn it. I had to rush back home by cab, get it, fetch my friend, and take a cab to ECP.
Wow. I guessed around 10k people joined the run. When we reached the place, waves of red were already jogging down the tracks. We got ready for the 2nd wave and I was pretty confident I could finish it with a good timing.
Well.. when we started, we couldn't really run the normal pace as all the 15km runners clustered themselves like ants returning to their hives. Not really interested in the pong pong girls, I started to deviate from my friend who seemed engrossed chatting with his colleagues. For the first 8km, it was smooth riding. Managed to take over a lot of people with ease. But I was still trailing behind loads of reds. As I haven't trained to run 15km before, I knew it would be a problem in the later part of the run.
When I reached the 10km mark, I started to feel cold. It's like someone plugged out my power plug or something. Yes, I do have some reserve batteries with me, but as I ran, I felt my body reaching my limit as I could feel the tension within my joints. I tried not to think about it and pushed myself forward. The morning sun didn't help as it continued wearing me down. People started to overtake me and I realized I was trying to minimize the exertion of my muscles. Whenever there was a drink station, it became an excuse for me to stop and have a drink.
During my last 2km, I knew I was out of fuel. My mind had to take over to intercept my body's message. "Go on, the finishing line is near" was defeated by "Seriously, you should stop to take a rest" a few times. The finishing line seemed forever.
When I saw the finishing line, people were overtaking me as they knew they wanted the best timing for themselves. But I was reserving my energy in case I faint before I could get my goodie bag. Sad to see someone tripped himself before the finishing point. Alas, mission completed. It took the hell out of me seriously. And to think I was so optimistic to join the marathon run end of the year. Crap. I need more training. This isn't good enough.