wow.. never realised my room is so full of dust until I started to use my rag to wipe my shelves. That is the retribution I get for cleaning my room once a year. Is it guys or is it me? Where got people so nuar wait for one year then clean their room one time. Hahah..
Anyway, trying to revamp my room decoration. Any ideas? Recently, I saw a very nice drawing done by a Chinaman who is setting up his stall in Vivo City. The drawing really captured my attention: it was a tree with loads of leves branching out. A very westernized drawing by a Chinaman. After he explained then I realized that it was a paper cutting. Mind you, to cut a complicated picture without snapping up the tiny frail portions lying out isn't an easy task, it takes lots of concentration and professional cutting skills. I imagined if I was the person who is tasked to come up with this cutting, I might have taken months, and wasted paper amounting to the number of leaves in the picture! Even programming a machine to do it will take years I guess, so sometimes we just can't beat human beings for some tasks.
Impressive, right? I don't mind selling you guys cheaper if you guys can count the leave and let me know how many. Hahaha.